Hasiroglu Snack (Cerezlik) Tarhana 450 Gr
Haşiroğlu Snack (Çerezlik) Tarhana (450 Gr )
Haşiroğlu Snack Tarhana (450 Gr) is produced for you, our customers, in a special, natural and pure manner.
We produce chips tarhana, baked tarhana, bitter tarhana, soup tarhana, snack tarhana, creamy tarhana, peppered tarhana, creamy fried tarhana, village type squeezed tarhana.
Local and international brand of Kahramanmaras, Haşiroğlu Tarhana is coming to the feet of our valued customers.
In the product, yogurt, tattoo (wheat), salt, thyme are available. It helps to weaken with a feeling of satiety.
Whether you are dry or wet you can eat it. (you do not need to put in oil).
Kahramanmaraş Tarhas is different from known tarhas in our country, and the shape and taste of Turkey is also unique with the brand of Haşiroğlu.
- Turkish
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